Tuesday, August 31, 2010

All the beauty a day off can hold...

♥Swedish middle school vampire angst with a witch by my side.

♥Sex in the City Season 3 from beginning to end, wintertini in hand.

♥going to bed in the same jammies I woke up in...yessssss!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday in all it's beauty...

♥morning ritual has taken on new sweetness...senior year for my babygirl...how many more mornings sharing eyeshadow will there actually be?

♥working with a new kindred spirit who is sassy and smart and silly too...good times.

♥coming home, still a touch of autumn in the air that screams out "football season!" which to me means high school football games wrapped in fuzzy blankets yelling and screaming my voice away every Fri night.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Heart burstingly beauty~full

♥DMB last night with my best buddy...getting lost, getting jagered, pretend bjs and no strangers...dancing and cuddling and reenacting WhiteSnake videos. Leaving early and singing 80s songs at the top of our lungs with the top down on the Mustang...road construction in every direction and coming home with a full heart.


♥11 teenagers, 8 overnight...a full house, a full heart...falling in love with life all over and over again.


♥A surprise gift of Autumn in the air today...cool breeze cuddle weather right after a stretch of 106 degree days. Lovely. After a surprise gift in the mail from my Special K. Lovelier.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

beauty in the work place

♥Two level advance. Raise. Time off in Nov for the Jamaica cruise. Yesssss.

♥My work wife...who isn't only a great listener but also brings me Soy Chai Tea.

♥My work family...who I can be me with in between being who my name badge says.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Today, I...

♥ decided to be snarky and say I was being snarky and just go with it. Embraced the snarky.

♥ succeeded where I needed to and failed where I wanted to...and I'm good with it!

♥ got kissed...oh so sweetly.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday's Three...

♥Sunrise. Purple. Pink. Orange. Yellow. This day starting with streaks and swirls of the Sun waking up...and me watching it happen.

♥Time alone in turn with both of my kids, unplanned spontaneous lovely time to visit laugh love and love some more.

♥Being real and being real~ly understood...possibilities opening up and potential unleashed.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Just a peek...

at the crazy here...

Hummingbirds can flap their wings 80-200 times PER SECOND and can go 60 mph. My chickens only flap when they want attention and only went 60 mph when they were in the carrier in the car. Someone needs to tell them they aren't hummingbirds... but I'm not gonna do it.


Remember Sesame Street ♪ ♫ Three of these things belong together, one of these things do not ♫ ♪


Then we have evil cat watching the whole identity crisis going on outside and thinking "I shall rend your wings from your body, devour your heart and eyes and sleep well having rid the world of such vile creatures."

Really, I know this to be true. She's SO predictable. Sigh.


3 Beauty~full things about today...

♥being followed by chickens while I do my morning outside work.

♥coffee, quiet and a day off stretched ahead.

♥live streaming Netflix, Comcast OnDemand and stand up comedians combined with my comfy couch...today's cure for that slippery little sad feeling that sneaks up when I'm sleep deprived.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

All about the outdoors

Where I've been...


What I've been doing...


Who I've been doing it with...


...and if pictures say a thousand words, my work here is done.